as if 跟 as though 差異是什麼? 用法上有什麼差別呢?

As if 和 As though兩者都是連接詞,但是兩者的差異是什麼呢? 

這兩個字的意思非常相近,通常是用來形容一個可能的情況,類似中文的「彷彿」,一般來說,As if 跟 As though並沒有太大的差異,且 As if 比 As though更常用。

下面說明 as if 跟 as though 的英文用法,來看到底如何使用吧。

as if / as though 描述非真實的情況

這兩個字的意思很相似,我們用as if 和 as though 來描述一個想像中的情況或非真實的情況,但很有可能的情況。

As if 跟 as though 相較起來,As if 較常見:

➙The floods were rising and it was as if it was the end of the world. (洪水正在上漲,就好像世界末日一樣。)
➙It looks as if they’ve had a shock. (他們看起來好像受到衝擊似的)
➙It looks as though you’ve not met before. (你們看起來像以前不曾遇過似的)

as if / as though 後面接上不定詞 / 分詞片語

我們使用 as if 和 as though的時候,後面可以接上to + 原形動詞或者分詞片語

➙She moved her lips as if to smile. (她動了動嘴唇,彷彿在微笑。)
➙They were shouting as though in panic. (他們像驚慌失措一樣大喊大叫。)

as if / as though 接在feel / look後面

As if 和 As though通常會接在 feel 以及 look後面:

➙She felt as if all her worries had gone. (她覺得自己所有的煩惱都煙消雲散了。)
➙They felt as though they had been given the wrong information. (他們覺得好像他們得到了錯誤的信息。)
➙I’ve got so much work it looks as if I’ll have to stay at home this evening. (我有太多工作,看來今晚我必須待在家裡。)

在非正式英語中,like 的用法和 as if 類似,但在正式情境中盡量不要使用:

➙It felt like it could snow at any minute. (感覺隨時都會下雪。)

原文網址:As if and as though – English Grammar Today – Cambridge Dictionary

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👉 多益閱讀滿分技巧: Part 5詞性題、單句填空
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