借的英文怎麼說? borrow和lend的差別?簡單搞定



borrow – 東西借「進來」

1. May I borrow your pen? (我可以借你的筆嗎?)


2. He wants to borrow your eraser. (他想要借你的橡皮擦)


3. May I borrow some money from you? (我可以和你借點錢嗎?)


lend – 東西借「出去」

用法: lend something to someone / lend someone something

1. I lent some money to Alex. / I lent Alex some money (我借錢給Alex)


2. He lent Ann his book. / He lent his book to Ann. (他借書給Ann)



  1. May I _______ your pencil? I forgot mine at home.
  2. Can you ______ your pencil? I forgot mine at home.
  3. Can I ________ your laptop? I wanted to log in my account.
  4. He wants to _____ your book because he forgot his at home.
  5. He wants to ______ you some money because he wants to support your business.
  6. He wants to get back the money he ______ to you the other day.

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